Department Of Physiology
H.O.D. Profile

Name : Dr. D. Celine, MD Physiology
REG NO : 57061
Experience : 20 Years
Publications : 10
Achievements & Awards :
Best oral presentation award in APT conference in 2008
Executive member of APT
Former editor of National Journal Physiology
Reviewer in med.ej. of Tamilnadu Dr.MGR medical University
Resource person in various CME on Sleep, Pain, Temperature regulation, Gut-Brain Axis, Anemia, Comparative Physiology,
Member Of MEU and Curriculum Committee

Name : Dr.A.Anitha
Designation : Professor & Vice Principal
REG NO : 52754

Name : Dr .K. Subha revathi
Designation : Associate Professor
REG NO : 67070

Name : Dr . Suguna S
Designation : Assistant Professor
REG NO : 72302

Name : Dr . Sudhakar. P
Designation : Assistant Professor
REG NO : 73981

Name : Dr . Parveen Bobby
Designation : TUTOR
REG NO : 72866

Name : Mrs . S.Uma
Designation : TUTOR

Name :Dr. Divyapriya
Designation : TUTOR
REG NO : 119710

Physiology – Branch of science dealing with functioning of the organ system of body.
The Department of Physiology is functional since this institution’s induction in 1965. The department was headed by pioneers in the field of Physiology like Dr. Gajalakshmi, Dr.Shamala Tirumeni and Dr K. Balasaubramanian. The Department which was started with 50 MBBS students in 1965 now caters the educational needs of 100 Undergraduate MBBS students since 2012 and 2 MD Physiology Post Graduates since 2013. We also teach BSc Nursing students, Diploma & other Allied Para Medical students.
Our department is dedicated in providing a comprehensive understanding of Physiology through academic sessions which include didactic lectures, flipped class room teaching, small group teachings, student symposium, integrated teaching with other departments and hands on training through practical sessions. The department is committed in providing updated knowledge in physiology through self-directed learning, early clinical exposure and research. The faculty members of the Department are qualified and experienced, ensuring that students receive quality education and mentorship.
Students have access to state-of-the-art research laboratories Neurophysiology lab, Cardiac autonomic function lab and pulmonary function lab, to enhance their learning experience and practical skills. Physiology department also has a Yoga Research Lab where yoga sessions are conducted periodically for students, faculties and ministerial staff.
The department actively participates in organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences to promote scientific inquiry and collaboration among students and faculty members. Through our academic and research activities, the department aims to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge and improve healthcare practices in our community and beyond.
Ongoing Projects
- Effect of yogic exercise on cardiovascular parameters among healthy young adults
- Impact of screen time on auditory and visual reaction time in gamers and non-gamers –a cross sectional study
- Comparative study of QT interval in students practicing yoga and not practicing yoga
- Comparison of cardiovascular parameters among young adults offsprings of hypertensive versus normotensive individuals- A cross sectional study
- Influence of different decubitus posture on blood pressure in normal healthy individuals – a cross sectional study
- Correlation between anthropometric indices and visceral fat among young adults – a cross sectional study
- A study on association of glycemic status and neuropathy in type II diabetes
- Prevalence of dry eye symptoms among young individuals and its correlation with quality of sleep
- Assessment of respiratory and upper limb skeletal muscle function and its correlation with inflammatory markers among smokers and non smokers – A case control study
- Effect of moderate exercise on cardiovascular responses among sedentary and physically active young adults – A comparative study
Completed projects:
- Assessment of autonomic functions and stress in Health care workers
- Influence of lateral decubitus posture on blood pressure in young adults at a tertiary care centre – a cross sectional study
- Assessment of BMI and body composition by Bio-Impedance analysis among students
- Prevalence of Perceived stress among doctors in a Tertiary care centre – A cross-sectional study.
- Evaluation of the effect of yoga training on respiratory muscle efficiency among healthy students
- A Study on Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Covid 19 Patients in Tertiary Care Centre.
- Evaluation Of The Effect Of Yoga Training On Respiratory Muscle Efficiency Among Healthy Students
- A Study On Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio In Covid 19 Patients In Tertiary Care Center
- Baseline Cardiovascular Parameters In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Cross Sectional Study
- Effect of moderate exercise on cardiac efficiency index among healthy off spring of hypertensive individuals
- A comparative study of skeletal muscle function in adult men With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus And Non Diabetics
- A study of red blood cell parameters among covid 19 individuals
- Comparison of isometric handgrip strength and endurance in type 2 diabetes mellitus and non diabetics.
- Assessment of Rate pressure product among offspring’s of Hypertensive parents
- Assessment of post – COVID 19 sequelae: A retrospective study
- Assessment of auditory function using pure tone audiometry & brain stem auditory evoked potential in ambulance workers.
- Comparison of 6% and 8% sevoflurane for inhalational induction in adults
- A study on platelet lymphocyte ratio in covid 19 patients in tertiary care centre
- Evaluation of platelet indices in COVID19 positive patients attending triage OPD in a tertiary care centre.
- A study on prevalence of anaemia by haemoglobin estimation in an arts college going female students and its correlation with their body mass index.
- Assessment of Autonomic status and Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio in Type 2 Diabetics and its correlation with their disease duration.
- Evaluation of risk of diabetes based on the residing area in UG students using Indian Diabetes risk score in a town in TamilNadu.
- Assessment of Visual pathway conductance by pattern reversal visual evoked potential in Psoriatic patients.
- Well – equipped haematology and clinical physiology Laboratory for Under graduates and paramedical Students
- Research lab with facilities for research on cardiovascular Physiology – ECG, HRV,
- Research lab with facilities for research on respiratory Physiology- Spirometry. Respiratory efficiency
- Research lab with facilities for research on Exercise Physiology – Tread mill, Bicycle ergometer, Harvard Step test, Mosso ergograph and Hand-grip Dynamometer
- Neurophysiology lab with Nerve conduction studies, Evoked potentials, EEG
- Every year Intramural Undergraduate Quiz is conducted
- International Yoga-day is Celebrated every year
- Postgraduate & Undergraduate students are trained to participate in state and national level
- PIPs- Post-graduate Integrated Practical Series was conducted on January 6th& 7th 2023
1. | Dr.K.Parveen bobby | Functional evaluation in pulmonary tuberculosis sequelae patients in a tertiary care centre |
| 2013
2. | Dr. M. Ranjani devi | Evaluation of cardiovascular risk in obese individuals based on lipid profile and autonomic function at Chengalpattu medical college and hospital |
| 2013 |
3. | Dr.A.C.Vanajarani | Evaluation of retinal ganglion cell activity by pattern reversal VEP in type II DM patients |
| 2014 |
4. | Dr. P. Mathiselvi | Evaluation of BERA in migraine |
| 2014 |
5. | Dr. M. Radhika | Influence of refractive error and ocular dominance on pattern reversal VEP.comparative study |
| 2015 |
6. | Dr.P.Amuthamozhi | Evaluation of lung impairment by pulmonary function test in auto drivers |
| 2015 |
7. | Dr.A .Shameer raja | Spectral analysis of heart rate variability and left ventricular wall motion changes in hypothyroid , hyperthyroid and euthyroid |
| 2016 |
8. | Dr.S.L.Kalaivani | Pattern reversal visual evoked potential among hypothyroid , hyperthyroid and euthyroid |
| 2016 |
9. | Dr.S.Ezhilarasi | Spirometric evaluation of occupational respiratory dysfunction among sanitary workers in a tertiary care centre. |
| 2017 |
10. | Dr.S.Janardhanan | Spectral analysis of heart rate variability during resting and controlled breathing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients attending tertiary care centre. |
| 2017 |
11. | Dr.K.Vishnupriya | Assessment of visual pathway conductance by pattern reversal visual evoked potential in psoriatic patients. | Dr.T.N.Vijayalakshmi | 2018 |
12. | Dr.B.S.Meennakshi | Assessment of auditory functions using pure tone audiometry and brainstem auditory evoked potentials in ambulance workers. | Dr.D.Celine | 2018 |
13. | Dr.G.Chandini | Effect of moderate exercise on cardiac efficiency index among healthy offspring of hypertensive individuals. | Dr.T.N.Vijayalakshmi | 2019 |
14. | Dr.M.Nishanth | A comparative study of skeletal muscle function in adult men with type 2 diabetes mellitus and non diabetics. | Dr.D.Celine | 2019 |
15. | Dr.S.Ramapriya | Assessment of autonomic functions and stress in health care workers | Dr.D.Celine | 2020 |
1) Dr.D.Celine
- Association between Neutrophil in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Lymphocyte Ratio and cognitive Function
- Association between peripheral nerve conduction and superoxide dismutase levels in alcoholics.
- Analysis of Heart rate variability in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Assessment of Cardiovascular risk in early diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis individuals by using heart rate variability
- Visual evoked Potentials in Parkinson’s disease and its correlation with age and disease severity: an Indian study
- Evaluation of visual evoked potential in psoriasis vulgaris patients in a tertiary care centre
- Assessment of post – COVID 19 sequelae: A retrospective study
- Assessment of Rate pressure product among offspring’s of Hypertensive parents.
2) Dr.A.Anitha
- Pattern visual evoked potential in newly diagnosed hypertensive individuals
- Pattern visual evoked potential in non diabetic offsprings of Type II diabetes
- Pulmonary dysfunction –an overt leprosy sequel:”study done in rehabilitation centre
- Evaluation of visual evoked potential in offsprings of Type II diabetes
- Percieved stress and sources of stress among first year medical UG students
- Corelation between serum free iron, glycated hemoglobin and insulin resistance in uncontrolled type 2 diabetic patients
- Critical effectiveness of faculty development program for medical teachers
- Enhancement of memory – does gender influence?
- Association of low serum bilirubin and peripheral arterial disease in coronary heart disease patients
- A study of Red blood cell indices among covid 19 Individuals in tertiary care triage centre
3) Dr.K.Subharevathi
- Influence of technological gadgets on health and lifestyle of medico
- Prevalence of depression among women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Effect of pregnancy on maternal oxygen saturation
4) Dr.S.Suguna
- Study of Pulmonary Function Test in Type II Diabetes Mellitus – Spirometry Based
- The effects of music on pulse rate and blood pressure in healthy young adults
- Muscle Strength and Endurance in COPD Patients And Healthy Individuals – A Comparative Study
- Effect of Parental Hypertension on Heart Rate Variability
- Evaluation of Retinal Ganglion cell activity by pattern visual evoked potentials in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Efficiency of Office Blood Pressure Measurement in Comparison with 24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Diagnosis of Hypertension
- A Study of Red Blood Cell Indices among Covid 19 Individuals in Tertiary Care Triage Centre
MBBS – 100% Result for the Past 5 years
MD Physiology – 100% Result for the past 5 years
- Shruthi : Comparison of inflammatory markers with relation to BMI in polycystic ovarian syndrome.