அரசு செங்கல்பட்டு மருத்துவக் கல்லூரி & மருத்துவமனை


அரசு செங்கல்பட்டு மருத்துவக் கல்லூரி & மருத்துவமனை


Department Of Radiodiagnosis

Name                     : DR.M.RAMESH

Designation          : PROFESSOR & HOD


REG NO                  :70977



As a faculty in few IRIA state level conference
As a faculty in other departmental conferences

Name                     : DR.P.DINESH BABU

Designation          :ASSISTANT PROFESSOR


REG NO                  :95048

Name                     :DR.E.ELAVARASU

Designation          :SENIOR RESIDENT


REG NO                  :52536

Name                     :DR.R.VANITHAMANI

Designation          :SENIOR RESIDENT


REG NO                  :69711

Name                     :DR.N.ROOBALAKSHMI

Designation          :SENIOR RESIDENT


REG NO                  :75301

                                            Department was started with full fledged diagnostic facility. The routine Diagnostic services provided are X ray, Mammography ,Ultrasonography, Doppler, HSG, CT, MRI and various non vascular interventions. Various activities like teaching, research, and training are done in our department.

➤In our department we have 630mA Digital Radiography. We do X-ray studies for patients referred from all other departments, we do contrast conventional studies like barium meal, swallow, enema and Intravenous Urogram , Ascending Urethrogram and HSG Studies.
➤In our department we have 525mA X- ray unit & 325 mA X- ray unit with computerized Radiography facility housed adjacent to emergency department (TAEI).
➤We have 14 100mA mobile x-ray units housed in various critical places (IMCU , SICU , NSICU , ICCU , PICU , NICU , ORTHO ward ) and bed x rays are taken without shifting the patients to the Radiology Department .
➤We have computerized Mammography X-ray unit for screening and breast studies along with ultrasound mammogram.
➤We have 3 Ultrasound machines with color Doppler facility & We perform about 200 studies everyday . We perform ultrasound study of abdomen, obstetric ultrasound, local part ultrasound of thyroid, breast, scrotum etc. We also perform Doppler studies like obstetric
Doppler, fetal Doppler, Arterial & Venous Doppler of upper and lower limbs, portal , carotid, renal doppler studies
➤ Ultrasound guided biopsy and drainage procedures are done & Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception in children are done.
➤ We have 2 16-slice CT. We do about 200 CT cases everyday referred from all the clinical departments.
➤ CT studies of whole body is done in multi trauma patients referred from TAEI ward ( IKT-48).
➤CT Interventional & contrast studies are also done .

➤ We have 1.5 Tesla MRI scan & Do about 20 cases everyday referred from various department.
➤We have lecture hall for conducting teaching programs and lectures.
➤ We have local PACS system for viewing all images in common room.

➤We celebrate “ Roentgen Day “ – World Radiography day on November 8th of every year to commemorate the discovery of X-rays by German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895.

➤We have B.Sc Radiography and Imaging Technology course and admits 20 students every year.
➤We have teaching program daily for about 1 hour for CMRI, other department post graduates, radiology technicians and in house staff.
➤Radiography students also go for practical learning with each equipment, by allowing them to do x ray, CT, MRI under guidance.
➤Medical officers and post graduates from other institutes are posted here for training